Now that I figured out how to put it together in the right order (and thread the damn cord through a hole in the side of the pipe!) (Paper clip for the win), maybe the second one won’t take me 1-1/2 hours!

Now that I figured out how to put it together in the right order (and thread the damn cord through a hole in the side of the pipe!) (Paper clip for the win), maybe the second one won’t take me 1-1/2 hours!
Let me please introduce myself...
This is my blog/website as an instance on the Fediverse. A lot of experimenting going on here, but my ultimate goal is and always has been: My data. My website. And it gets sent out from here.
I create. I design. I organize. I brainstorm. I motivate. I rant. I rave. I rock. I roll. I live. I love.
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