Where’s the dog hair???

Where's the dog hair??? Ok so i tried a new thing. Washed my clothes in 1 Cup vinegar and 1-1/2 Tablespoons salt. That's all. No detergent. Looks clean. Smells clean. No static. And NO DOG HAIR!! Look at all the black fleecey fur magnet items that are free of fur. I'm sold. Also cleaning out the screen in the dryer is funny. The hair just falls loose. You don't have to scrape it off. #cantbelieveipostedapicofmylaundry

By |2017-03-18T23:25:08+00:00December 14th, 2016|Categories: Coolness|Tags: |0 Comments

Dilly Beans!

So I forgot to post pics when Nate & I made these some weeks back. Can’t wait till they’re “done” and we can eat them! Pickled green beans with dill, garlic and pepper. NOM!!!

By |2013-10-04T02:28:34+00:00October 4th, 2013|Categories: Coolness|0 Comments