Energy will flow to where our attention is directed. If we direct our attention to the negative things in our lives, even if we are wanting to get rid of those things, then energy will flow to and feed those negative things. Whereas if we concentrate on how we want things, the positive things that we may not have yet, then energy will flow and manifest them. Even in directing attention to the postive things you desire, it’s important for it to be in the present, not the future. “I want *fill in the blank*” or “I’m going to get *fill in the blank*” emphasizes your lack of. “I have *fill in the blank*” or “I am *fill in the blank*” is effective because your thoughts create; they are energy, and they will create the lack if those are the terms you think of them in, as they will also create the present, if you think in those terms instead.

My favorite story that pertains to this principle is written by Serge Kahili King, who wrote the books Urban Shaman (I highly recommend), and Instant Healing.The story is called Purple Feathers . In it, he describes an experiment he does at a workshop he is giving. The people in the workshop chose something fairly unusual and random to meditate on as a group. The object chosen was a purple feather. They meditated for several minutes with no expectations and then moved on.

Over the next 3 days every single person in the group of 14, had a purple feather show up in some way, shape or form. From the design on the hotel bedspread, to finding 2 actual purple feathers on the floor, everyone had a purple feather experience. All these people did was meditate on the object for a short time. Imagine the results if more attention and intent were given to something in your life that means more than just a random object.

Be aware of where your attention goes.