Need talented web designer that is excellant photographer too. $20-hr. Work from home. Send resumes and links of past web design.
You’ll get what you pay for. $20 an hour is an insult to a professional web designer OR a professional photographer and you want to pay that to someone who is BOTH??
If you want to pay a professional to do a professional job, let me know.
Who do you thinki you are insulting us and than said get in touch with you? your work is probably worse than $20-hr. as you probably one of those awful opionnated Rush Limbaugh types who is fat, ugly and obese woman, like harpon a fat chick has your ugly face on it……….your some ugly woman who has no friends and been married 3 times………….your being spammed……………get a life
> Who do you thinki you are insulting us and than said get in touch with you? your work
An actual web designer. Also one that can make an advertisement that is
spelled correctly. And “then” is how that should be spelled above.
> is probably worse than $20-hr. as you probably one of those awful opionnated Rush
And Rush Limbaugh has what exactly to do with Web Design?
> Limbaugh types who is fat, ugly and obese woman, like harpon a fat chick has your ugly
PERSONAL insults. Gee what a surprise. And looks have what exactly to do with Web Design?
Did you mean “harpoon”? That’s a spear… long… thin…
> face on it……….your some ugly woman who has no friends and been married 3 times………….your being spammed……………get a life
That would be unwise. Oh and “you’re” is how that should be spelled.
Well, I see the level of “professionalism” a designer would be dealing with (e.g. “none”). Thank you for saving me from wasting my time and
effort assisting you. I very much appreciate the heads-up.
BTW, 1999 called and wants their email address back. [NOTE: It’s a net-zero/JUNO account]
Just the typical answer from a very unhappy person……….like I said, get a life as this project needs someone worried about where the Next Generation is headed, wanting to help this Next Generation and as we screen applicants, you saaved us alot of time, as your one of the worse and by the way you will be on a list of people we recommend never to do business with…….You are awful, again get a life……..
For the love of god, it’s **you’re** not your. YOU’RE. You are.
Also, alot is two words. “A lot”.
And that would be “worst” not “worse”.
Seems you may need to hire an editor as well.
You have absolutely no web presence. I’m not really concerned with your little list but thanks for playing. Your listed telephone number has been disconnected. And as an “Investment Firm” you seem to be rather unreachable which leads one to believe that your company is in point of fact, struggling. (Hence your inability to actually pay for a product.)
Next Generation? That states that you’re (Note the correct spelling and usage) the last generation. You can’t even help your own business in the 21st century. I would suggest you see to *that* before trying to “Help” (by “ripping off”) the next generation.
Based on the complete lack of professionalism I see from this EMail, I am:
A. Quite happy to be on the list of companies you won’t do business with.
B. Will be putting you on a similar list of my own.
Since I have been doing this for some time, and have clout on The Web (whereas you seem to have none), I think you are going to find that you have problems gaining traction in this market space.
Good luck and Happy New Year.
You are the absolute awful and I bury absolute awful legally so listen and read carefully, I bury awful people and do it legally………..your the perfect example of stupidity so await your fate bitch……..your not going to like it…………….
I am the absolute awful what? Nouns. Really, they’re very useful.
It sounds to me like you’re threatening me. You might want to check into the legality of *that*.
You’re really not getting it are you? You. Are. You’re. It’s not your, it’s YOU’RE.
To judge by the level of professionalism evidenced here, Julie, it’s a blessing that he wasn’t offering more money in the first place. Had you responded more favourably and actually been offered the job, I have no doubt his nasty side would still have been there and you would have suffered the consequences. In short, it’s probably quite a good plan to test potential employers of unknown credentials a bit to get an idea of what you might be letting yourself in for. This guy sounds like a misogynistic and vindictive user, and I dread to think what experiences others have suffered at his hands.