This is in response to this headline that came across my desk today:


Dear Entrepreneur Media,
I followed you on LinkedIn because I am an Entrepreneur and I thought you might post some helpful info aimed at those who own their own business. I did not realize that the women you are writing about are not at all like me, but belong in a 1950’s beauty pageant, or worse, in a secretarial pool doing the typing for the men who are too busy doing the “real” work. You equate beauty with earning more money and lipstick with beauty. So what you’re saying is that men are in charge of my earnings and I must bat my mascara’d eyelashes and purse my lipstick-covered lips and men will rain money down upon me. And I shall be grateful. Hell no. My beauty comes from being strong and intelligent. I would assume that kind of “beauty” brings me more money. As far as your antiquated version of beauty coming in a waxy tube? Go find the DeLorean, get in and join us in the 21st Century.